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What is an Arctic tern?

Description The arctic tern is a slender bird with narrow wings and short legs. This small but mighty flyer is well known for its long-distance migration, traveling each year from one end of the world to the other and back.

Where do terns live?

The largest number of species is found in the Pacific Ocean. Many terns are long-distance migrants, the most notable being the Arctic tern ( Sterna paradisaea ). The Arctic tern breeds in the southerly reaches of the Arctic and winters in Antarctic regions, thus making the longest annual migration of any bird.

Are Arctic terns endangered?

Conservation The arctic tern population appears to be stable, but population trends are difficult to observe because of the birds’ remote range. Climate change may pose a threat because arctic terns rely on Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems, which are now changing.

Why are they called ternpaks?, 17 Sep. 2022 Even the name, TernPaks, is meant to elicit both conversation and excitement for children to travel because the product happens to be named after the arctic tern, the animal with the longest migration pattern on Earth.

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